Please click the image below to make a donation on our Go Fund Me Page.

About our Fundraiser
AccessAdvisr is an accessibility review website that allows disabled people to review the accessibility of a place – anywhere in the world! And, we need your help.
What you see with AccessAdvisr is the product of frustration for many disabled people. Very often places will say they’re accessible when they’re not, and that’s at the expense of disabled people who find that out to their cost. We wanted to change that.
We’ve had over 2,600 reviews from disabled people across the world, helping other disabled users understand the accessibility of places they are going to visit before they do. Allowing them to make an informed decision, based on others’ experiences. Every review, of every place on our website, is completely free to access, free for disabled to see.
Running a website though can come at a cost, and we want to bring you better services, better features and an easier to access website. We want to make this work for everyone. And, that’s why we’re on GoFundMe. We want more people to get involved in this movement, and become the best place for disabled users to make decisions about their trips to places.
With your help, we’ll go from strength to strength, and help more disabled go to places they’ve never been before. We believe that with the fantastic support we’ve got behind us; our users and our partners, we can get to our target.
Who will benefit?
There will be a wider feature selection so that the site focuses on other disabilities; This will in turn expand the reviews and be of more interest to a wider circulation of disabled people. We will make it easier to add reviews; Users will be able to see their review history. Other general user improvements.
What funds will be used for
As above, and the site will be upgraded to bring it up-to-date with the latest accessibility standards Incorporate an online shopping feature; We will have a regular update and maintenance programme.
How important the funds are
Without the funds, we will not be able to offer an even better service. As a disabled persons led business we really understand how important knowledge about accessibility is. We want people to be able to share their experiences
What your support will mean to us
It would show that our community believes in us and that we are really striving to make that difference. Donors will not only get regular, exclusive updates on progress but they will also be asked to contribute ideas to make the site even better