Blackpool Zoo

Reviews (2)
Blackpool Zoo
Blackpool Zoo

E Park Dr, Blackpool FY3 8PP, UK

  • Staff Helpfulness
  • Ease of Access

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  • Accessible parking spaces
  • Accessible toilets
  • Changing Places
  • Help points
  • Lifts
  • Personal assistance
  • Step-free access

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Reviews (2)

zackyboy zackyboy

great car parking. I wasn’t impressed with carers not go free. I get too most places with my wheelchair. I not happy with not got ChangingPlaces. but we had great time

msagain msagain

Before going to Blackpool Zoo download their app. Then it is easier to buy tickets, follow the map, organise seeing the displays and of course where the toilets are also food stops. When you buy your tickets online, you and your carer get a good discounts so remember to get tickets online or through the app. There are plenty of disabled parking spaces and the zoo is very easy to get round in a wheelchair as I missed nothing. The toilets though are a different story. There is one on the left hand side as you enter the zoo. But, you share it with mother/toddler which can be difficult when you have toilet issues as I have. After waiting for a few minutes and pain increasing I asked a staff member for another location. I was sent to the Lakeside Cafe where the loo is to the left of the building. But this one was worse than the last. Not only was it shared with Mother/toddler but it was unisex. So, there was a Dad of 2 in the one toilet and a Mum changing a baby on the opposite wall. By the time I could get into the loo I was a mess, embarrassed and upset as my son had to help me clean up and change me. It spoiled the start of the day but such is the qutility of the zoo I soon recovered. Then I found the perfect loo. Head to the children’s farm and you will pass a block on the left hand that looks like a toilet block. Follow it round and there are superb male and female toilets with a baby changing room in the middle. Plenty of room for you and a carer, raised toilet, lowered sink and aid bars. So my advice is head straight for these and don’t waste your time with the others. Now for the food, all I can say is, take a picnic. Use the Lakeside Cafe for drinks and find a nice spot to eat your sausage rolls. There is a nice picnic spot again going towards the children’s farm. If you have kiddies there is also a playground here that has tables and chairs you can use. When, we completed the zoo we got some Starbucks coffee from Lakeside and sat outside watching the Capybara allowing the crowds to dissipate. Then we had a nice drive home. So now I have warned you about the toilets and food, please don’t let it put you off as it is a great day out. Hopefully with my hints and tips you will be organised than I was. Enjoy.

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